
This is me when I was 6.

I was a dreamy kid. I often spaced out in school, watching how the shapes of the world dissolve into moving colours when you stare at them for long enough.

I loved lying with my brother in our garden’s uncut grass, that our father let grow over our heads so we could play in it during the summer.

But I also loved setting stuff on fire, and sometimes got in trouble for it.

It’s about your life

Much of the magic of my own childhood is encapsulated in certain photos, that immediately reconnect me to a vibrant sensory experience and a very lively place within, that lights up when I see them.

.I would like to share with you a little slice of the life you are living right now, and to make the essence of what it means to be alive as you today touchable again and again through my photographs. To cherish the experiences that pass us by every day and often only reveal their meaningfulness in retrospect.

My photos are not meant to simply be a future souvenir of a past time, I want them to allow you to breathe the preciousness of your so-called everyday life that’s always happening.

Whichever option you choose, I will be part of your life for a little while as soon as you open the door, and will give all my attention to flow with your rhythms, dynamics and unpredictable moments of laughter, silence and chaos.

A day in your Life session was created as a full 24h experience, so that we have time to get to know each other without a camera and to really dive into what makes your life special and unique. Yes, that means it’s a sleepover! ☺️ I arrive in the evening, we can have dinner together or just hang out, and the next morning starts as it always does, except I’m there to document and live it with you. It’s not a photoshoot, just us spending time together, I just happen to have a camera with me…

If you prefer to keep it a bit shorter, I have two more options available to suit your preferences and budget.

A Bubble in a Stream


We get to spend 3 hours together

80+ Images

A Line drawn on Water


We get to spend 8 hours together

150+ Images

A Star at Dawn


We get to spend 24 hours together

200+ Images

Questions I frequently answer

  • First, let’s talk on the phone or over a cup of coffee. For the Star at Dawn package, I am always open to meeting your family for a meal or a hike before our session. It’s nice to get comfortable before I pick up the camera.

  • For the 8h and 24h packages, I’m happy to travel anywhere across Europe to spend the day with you. This will only add travel and eventual accomodation costs. By the way, I’m fluent not only in German, but also in English, French and Spanish 😊

  • For my documentary approach, it’s not necessary to plan anything extraordinary, whatever you would do on that day without me, we can do it together. But if you want me to join you on a day trip, I’ll happily pack my hiking boots or bathing shorts.

  • In that case, let me know as soon as possile, so that we can reschedule our photo session.

  • Only if you agree to. As you can imagine, I love sharing our captured moments online - it's like sharing treasures with the world. And also, it’s how I draw attention to my work and gain new clients. But in the end, it’s your call entirely. I will only publish photos with your consent, and if you prefer them to remain offline, I totally get it.

  • Usually, it takes me about a week to review and edit the photos. Once ready, you’ll receive a link to an online gallery that you can view, download and share with others.

    Your personal gallery will remain online for 4 weeks, so make sure you download your images on time.

  • Absolutely! I feel like these precious moments deserve a special place in the physical world, since it is a completely different experience to intentionally connect to them via an object, rather than through our everpresent screens.

    You can order high quality prints directly from your gallery. And if you want me to create a photobook that tells the story of your day, just ask me directly.